Health-conscious? Use the eatiquette app to discover, search, and compare new and existing grocery products.
Comparable Serving Size
Compare nutrition on a common measure.
Ingredient Alerts
Be alerted if an ingredient concern is in a product.
Ingredient Count
Quickly see how many ingredients are in a product.
Keyword Search
Search by brand or product description.
Green-Yellow-Red Nutritional Values
Identify whether nutritional values are low, medium or high relative to weight or calories.
Green and Red Lists
Add products to either favorite or avoid.
* We don’t have all the product categories in our app, but generally the shelf stable ones and Ice Cream, just because it’s our own favorite indulgence. We’ll gradually add more products and categories!
Allergies? Ingredient concerns?
Get warned on whether an ingredient is present in the foods you want to eat. We’ll even help you with the synonyms. So if you’re concerned with Stevia, we’ll also highlight Rebauside A for you because it’s a Stevia extract. Did you know that Tartrazine is a different name for artificial color Yellow #5? We’ll help you know the other names for the ingredients you are concerned about!
However please know that this app should not be used for serious allergy afflictions! Read more below in the disclaimer.
Looking for the Breakfast Cereal with the lowest Sugar Content? The Granola bar with the highest fiber? Ice Cream with the lowest Saturated Fat? Find the top products that fit your personal criteria! We also provide a count for the number of ingredients a product contains. Did you know there are products that contain over 60 ingredients?
Please know we are a young company, the app is in Beta, meaning, we are testing it out and will continuously be looking on how to improve and find out what is most useful for you.
Please download and sign up if you want to be part of shaping this product. We’ll listen!